Thursday, October 1
Devotion – Read the devotion for Thursday, October 1, from the WELS website to begin your day. Jot down an idea or thought from the devotion.
Catechism - Use this Google Cat6Class sheet(look over the whole sheet, but really find what your row has to do) to get ready for our discussion in Zoom. Assignment: WS 6 #13-23. Submit this by bringing it to school—due Tuesday.
Christ Light - bring it to school—due Monday; and bring along the Baptism of Jesus
Math - Grade 6: Read through Lesson 18 in your book. We’ll talk about the Lesson 18 during the Zoom meeting. Assignment: L18 2-10,17-27. Submit Lesson 16 by bringing it to school Monday.
Grade 5: Read through Lesson 18 in your book. We’ll talk about the Lesson 18 during the Zoom meeting. Assignment: L18 2-16,26,27. Submit Lesson 16 by bringing it to school Monday.
Social Studies - Read pgs 20-25 We’ll discuss this during our Zoom meeting. Assignment: WS7. Submit it by bringing it to school Monday.
Afternoon Devotion – Read this Devotion.
Literature- Assignment attached to email
English - Assignment attached to email
Physical Education - Inside: do some stretches and sit ups/crunches and some push ups just like at the beginning of PE! Get outside and walk/run around your yard. Get out there for at least 15 minutes.
Spelling - None