Documentation from February 2025 School Expansion Presentations

Below are the informational documents from the February 2025 presentations. We encourage all members of Immanuel and school families to attend one of the presentations:

February 9th @ 11:30am, after the late service
February 13th @ 7:30pm, after the Thursday night service
February 23rd @ 11:30am, after the late service

Preparing for God's Blessings - An Opportunity Before Us

In looking back over the last 6 years we have found that 57% of our new members at Immanuel have come through association with our school.  Many parents are looking for a classical, modern education rooted in timeless Biblical principles.  We have gotten to the point where some of our classes are at capacity and this year we had to turn one student away.  The school is an important part of Immanuel reaching out with the gospel of Jesus.  Because of this we are looking at the possibility of expanding our school to meet this need.

We started looking at the possibility of expanding our school in the fall of 2022.  A committee met over the next several months to look at what our future needs might be and what space would be needed for those.  We then hired Excel Engineering to provide some preliminary drawings, and they provided several options.  The committee reviewed these and selected an option that they felt would meet our future needs and then further refined this.  The congregation was asked to submit questions they had about a possible school expansion.  At the May 2023 Voters Meeting the drawings were presented, and answers to the submitted questions were shared.  In fall of 2023 there were 6 informational meetings for the members of Immanuel to attend and get more information and discuss the expansion further.  At the December 2023 Voters Meeting we approved taking the next step by doing a capital appeal to see if there would be enough financial support to proceed with approving building a school addition.  The decision to go forward and build will be decided at a special Voters Meeting in the summer of 2024.  In the below posts you will find more detail about the process of planning for the school expansion and capital appeal.

God’s blessings,
Larry Verlinden
Emphasis Director and Church President

Please click the above graphic to view the full Preparing for God’s Blessings brochure.

Click on this image to view and be able to print the full Promise Sheet.

We'd love your input!

The School Expansion Planning Committee has been working the past few months (with direction from our church council) to crystalize some building plan options. It’s time to engage with you, our fellow members, by asking for your ideas and input. This will help develop a clearer picture of next steps and the ability of Immanuel to move forward with any proposed plans. The reason for this study is to address needed classroom space due to increased enrollment.

This past week you should have received a mailed invitation to attend one of the Group Presentations in October. During each presentation, attendees will be invited to share ideas and hopes as well as reactions to our current expansion plan. We have developed a booklet to answer many key questions about this plan and now every member will be asked to assess the next steps by completing a Response Sheet. These are exciting times for Jesus’ kingdom and Immanuel’s role in it. We pray that the Lord’s will for our congregation might be realized through this process!

Thank you in advance for planning to attend one of our “Preparing for God’s Blessings” Group Presentations:

Thurs., September 28, 7:30 PM *
Sun., October 1, 11:30 AM *
Tues., October 3, 8:00 AM
Thurs., October 5, 2:00 PM
Sun., October 8, 11:30 AM *
Mon., October 9, 6:30 PM *

Dates with an * indicate that free childcare will be provided.

Members of the School Expansion Planning Committee include: Dennis Steinbrenner, Chairman; Dawn Welnicke, Jason Muench, Andrea Dolan, Jamie Zastrow, Nate Reis, and Jaimie Carlson Advisors: Principal Dave Wilson, Pastor Matt Zimpelmann

May 2nd School Expansion Meeting Update

The School Expansion Committee met on May 2nd to discuss questions that church and school members have posed in advance of the school expansion presentation that will be held this Sunday, May 7th at 11:45am during Immanuel’s Open Forum and Voters Meeting. The Committee then formulated the following Q&A to answer those questions. (Please scroll down to the April 20th Update to see the actual building plans that will be presented.)

Answers to questions submitted to the
School Expansion Committee
May, 2023

Q. What are the plans for the usage of the new and existing classrooms once our new school expansion fills up?

 A. Exact plans may change based on future class sizes, exact needs, etc. but one option would be to have Preschool, Kindergarten, and 1st grade in the new addition, Wrap Around Care in the current 2nd grade classroom, either 2nd grade and 3rd grade or 4th grade and 5th grade downstairs in the current kindergarten and preschool classrooms, and Robotics sharing the current space that the library is in. If needed, the classroom that is currently the 4th grade classroom could also be split in two.

Q. With this plan we are losing a space that is currently being used as a workspace/office for our Release-Time Teacher, and it doesn’t look like the new plan has any additional office space in it.

 A. At first there will be space available. See answer above regarding splitting 4th grade classroom when needed.

Q. New storage areas in the plans are labeled for gym storage and custodial storage, but what about storage for teaching supplies (curriculum, art, Sunday School, VBS, etc.)

 A. It is true that some of the planned storage space “took a hit” as the committee adjusted the plans to reduce the overall cost of the building.  It is felt that we can be smarter about our storage options.  There are plans to add storage space (cabinets) in new and existing classrooms.

Q. Will anything be done to improve lighting in the existing lower-level hallway?

 A. Yes, improved stairway/hallway lighting should be part of the remodeling of the lower level.  Also, the existing doors in the middle of the school out to the upper parking lot will be replaced with windows, so that might provide some natural light to the stairway.

Q. Are there plans for a light switch in the gym by the set of doors into the gym on the northeast side (current exterior doors which will become interior doors) at the bottom of the new stairs?

 A. Yes. It is likely that code will require this.

Q. What will expanding the school allow us to do that we can’t do now?

 A. We will be able to reach more children (space for 70-80 more students) with our Gospel message. We will have a dedicated concession and eating space and a much larger public gathering area for sporting events and other church and school activities that take place in the gym.

Q. If we don’t expand the school what is likely the effect on our school?

 A. We would have to turn families away. We already have a waiting list for our 5th and 6th grade classroom for next year due to class-size limits. Also, we would either have to limit the size of our lower grades, or turn existing children away after they reach 5th grade.

Q. What is the projected enrollment for the next several years?

A. Our past total K-8 enrollment for the last 5 years has been:

2018 - 75
2019 - 91 (21% increase)
2020 - 99 (9% increase)
2021 - 105 (6% increase)
2022 - 120 (current year) (14% increase)
2023 - 125 that we are expecting to enroll, so by the time school starts, it may be around 130? (8% increase)
That’s an average of around a 12% increase per year. Will we continue to grow that way? Only the Lord truly knows.

Q. How many of our students are from member families and how many are from non-member families?

 A. For next year’s 125 students, the breakdown is:

91 members (73%), 16 non-members (13%), 12 prospect (10%), 6 other WELS churches (5%).

Q. What is the process for having non-members enroll in our school?

 A. In short, when a family submits an application, one of the Pastors and the principal meet with them to discuss the combined mission of Immanuel Church, School, and Preschool.  They stress the importance and benefit of family and school sharing a unified goal in Christian Education. If the family is open to learning more about Immanuel through our God+Me class, they are accepted as a prospect. If there is a firmly stated lack of interest in knowing what their children will be learning in our school or preschool, the Pastors and principal attempt to lovingly inform the family that Immanuel might not be the best fit for their family, and they would make the recommendation to the School Board that the student’s application not be accepted. (This has happened only once in the past 6 years.)  When one of the parents takes/completes the God + Me class, if they choose to become a member, they are moved to our member-tuition status.  If they choose not to become a member of Immanuel, they are moved to the non-member tuition status. If they don’t take the class after a year or two (depending on our continued conversations and communications with them), the Pastors and principal will meet with them again to continue encouraging them to take the class. They would also be moved to the non-member tuition status at that time.

Q. Do we have an intentional process for sharing the gospel with non-member families who send their children to our school?

A. Yes, definitely.

Q. If we expand, how many new teachers will be needed?

 A. Possibly three new teachers would be needed over a 5-to-6-year period: 1) split 5th and 6th grade 2) split 7th and 8th grade, and 3) we eventually might need a full-time special education teacher.

Q. How many of our preschool students enroll in kindergarten?

 A. The percentage of preschoolers that have continued on to Immanuel kindergarten for the past 6 years has been 85% overall.

2017/2018    12 out of 16      75%
2018/2019    10 out of 11      91%
2019/2020      7 out of 9        78%
2020/2021      7 out of 9        78%
2021/2022      7 out of 7        100%
2022/2023    14 out of 15        93%

Q. Where will students come from?  Manitowoc is not growing.  What other demographic studies have been done?

A. The students are coming from our own families and also via word-of-mouth encouragements from our school families to other families. Most of our new students from non-member families are children who had previously been in MPSD schools. And Manitowoc is actually growing. It’s not growing at the same rate as some other cities about the same size, but there has been about a 1% growth over the past few years.

Q. I did not understand the following statement from the minutes of last meeting: “Number of kids & siblings of current students used in number projections. 5 years = 12, 13, 18, 6, 10”

 A. This is a list of the number of siblings of our current students who will be of Kindergarten age in the next 5 years. (This is to the best of our knowledge – there might be more we are not aware of.) This includes all families: member, non-member, prospect, and other WELS. For example, next year there will be 12 students who will be Kindergarten age and are siblings of current students.

Q. What is the additional cost for taking care of a larger building?

 A. Some of the extra expenses include: more custodial time, extra teachers, and higher utility bills. This would be analyzed as part of the feasibility study

Q. What are your thoughts about how to cover those costs?

 A. The plan was to estimate these costs and include 2 years’ worth of these extra costs in any sort of capital campaign that was done. After that, these would become budgeted items.

Q. If we go ahead when would we plan to start building?

 A. The earliest possible start would be the spring of 2024.

Q. How will this school expansion affect traffic flow and parking?

A. A couple parking spots would be lost in our upper parking lot between church and school. Through redesigning our parking layout, we can actually gain a couple spots in the lower parking lot. See drawings.

Q. Where are these parking spots going?  How will there be room for a turnaround and parking spots in the upper parking lot?  Where are the ADA spots?

 A. See drawings.

Q. Is MLHS planning to add a middle school to their property?  How does that affect our plans?

 A. Although there have been very preliminary talks about this at MLHS, it is not an actual plan at this point. MLHS has not yet contacted any of the federation churches or schools about this. If this idea is seriously considered it will be much further down the road and will not be ready in time for Immanuel’s current needs. To be seriously considered by all our federation grade schools and MLHS, there would have to be discussions about how something like that might affect our current situation, where our Lutheran grade schools are closely integrated with our churches, and our pastors are able to interact with our school children and their families.

Q. It was stated that the addition to the north of the gym is not feasible because “the structure of the north wall of the gym would have to be increased to take the expansion”. Wouldn’t the longer east also have to be reinforced to take the extra load?

 A. The alternate plan that would have involved expanding our school building to north of the gym would have involved actually moving the gym to the north, which is why the wall would have had to be reinforced. Other alternate plans that would have added classrooms to the north of the gym (perhaps early childhood), were rejected because it was felt that integrating the early childhood, lower grades, and upper grades together in the school building was an important feature that should not be given up. And expanding to the north of the gym would have also required sprinkling the whole school building which was determined to be a significant cost increase to the project.

Q. Why do we need two bathrooms in each of the new classrooms? Do we even need one in each of the new classrooms?

 A. With adding three more classrooms to accommodate up to 80 more students, additional bathrooms are needed. An earlier plan included adding these new bathrooms where the existing 2nd grade classroom exists. However, the current design actually fits better into the space, still allowing us to add three additional classrooms without having to eliminate an existing classroom in order to accommodate more bathrooms. This plan also has other advantages over adding a larger boys and girls bathroom.

April 20th Update

Preliminary plans and elevations have now been approved by the School Expansion Committee, and will be presented to the congregation at the Open Forum on May 7th. The committee feels that this layout will best serve Immanuel and checks all the goals that the school and committee set forth when we first met. Please take a look at the floor plans and elevations, and please read the earlier updates from our School Expansion Committee (below) to see the notes from all the meetings the committee had. This will give you an idea of how we got to this point. And as always, all school members and church members are encouraged to share any ideas or thoughts on these plans with the committee via this email address

First Floor Plan

Second Floor Plan

Exterior Elevations

Update from March 16th Meeting of the School Expansion Committee

The committee had a short meeting on March 16th to go over some proposals and questions from the architect. Discussion was had about bathrooms in the 2nd level of the new proposed addition. After talking with faculty, it was determined that another bathroom in each room would be better served. We came up with the agreement to try and get two bathrooms in each of the new classrooms.

Discussion was had on moving the entrance to the commons more to the north, but not to eliminate any parking. It does look like we can move it farther north. This would seem more inviting for our members, and get them out of the elements quicker when walking in from the parking lot.

Also some discussion was had on the water main break that we have under the school. Remodeling that whole area into new bathrooms and locker rooms obviously eliminates the current mechanical room where the water main comes into, and where many other pipes and the water heater is located. Discussion ensued of where we would need to come in with the water main if that mechanical room area eventually is not there. All ideas were presented to Tom Schermerhorn from Excel Engineering the next day.

Update from February 27th Meeting with the Architect

The Committee met with Tom from Excel Engineering. Tom was presented with a drawing our committee had done on its own.  It was a quick meeting.  Tom informed us that he will take this back and come up with a drawing and some elevations for us to take a look at, and to make sure the things we "drew up" were to code and will make the appropriate corrections.  They will also give their professional opinions about any changes they might think are beneficial to us.  Tom from Excel was looking at a two-week turnaround to get us the layout and elevations back.  The committee will then meet with him to go over what Excel has come up with.  We are looking at another meeting mid-March.  As always, all Immanuel church and school members should feel free to email any questions or concerns about our school expansion ideas and needs to

Notes from February 9th School Expansion Committee Meeting

The School Expansion Committee met on February 9th with the goal of determining one building option that meets our needs, which we could take to the architect.  After much discussion and thought, it was agreed that we would take option C to the architect and have him work on this option with us. If you look at the January 19th update, you will see what option C includes. Some modifications we made to option C were to move the addition more to the north to allow for keeping the window in our current 2nd grade classroom (currently Mr. Putz's room).  This move also allows for more access to pastor's garage and possibly more parking space in the upper level (south) parking lot, which will possibly include a church entrance drop-off and turnaround. The committee agreed we would take this option to the architect.  That meeting with Tom Schermerhorn of Excel Engineering is scheduled for February 27th.

Notes from January 19th School Expansion Committee meeting

The School Expansion committee met again on January 19th.  From our previous meeting the committee addressed some questions that needed to be answered by the architect. We felt after some of our questions were answered, that would help us get some of our options narrowed down. 

Our goals continue to be to add 3 to 4 new rooms while creating easy access from the lower level parking lot to the upper level and church.  The committee’s focus has been on meeting our goals in the most cost-effective way.

We analyzed the following three options that the committee is considering.  All three options include remodeling our current basement bathrooms and locker rooms in school.

Option A
Excel’s (architect) design, but make the passageway between church and new school addition shorter

  • Adds 4 rooms plus a commons

  • Removes drive-through down the hill

  • Includes passageway to church

  • Parsonage garage: change so it exits to the east

Option B
Build to the north of the gym, plus a narrow commons to the east

Half of the gym will be in this new addition and the south half of the existing gym would be renovated into the new classrooms.

  • Adds 5 rooms plus a commons

  • Keeps drive-through down the hill (but close it off during school hours)

  • No passageway to church

  • Parsonage garage: no change

  • Lose approximately 6-8 parking spaces

  • Have to add sprinklers to the entire building

  • Maybe lose west entrance to the lower parking lot

  • Need to re-do the gym floor and move bleachers, etc.

Option C
Similar to option A, but with a reduced footprint

  • Adds 3 rooms plus a commons

  • Removes drive-through down the hill

  • Can include passageway to church

  • Converts existing 2nd grade classroom to bathrooms

  • Costs less than option A

During discussion, we determined we could probably come up with a change to Option C that did this:

  • Maintains access to existing parsonage garage door entrance (no change needed to garage)

  • Adds 4 rooms plus a commons

  • Adds single-stall bathrooms to two of the new classrooms, so existing 2nd grade classroom does not need to be converted to bathrooms

  • Has no passageway to church

  • For bad weather, includes easy access through the commons of the new addition to get from our lower parking lot, up the new stairs (or elevator), and then exiting the new addition into the upper parking lot/church entrance area

  • Includes exterior steps next to the addition for easy access to church from the lower parking lot during warm weather.

  • Has an upper parking lot that is completely level with the church entrance

  • Includes a turn-around in the upper parking lot that would allow passenger drop-offs for church and an easy turn-around to get back out to Pine street

  • Includes 4 parking spots in the upper parking lot (3 fewer than we have now)

  • Plans removal of grass by two of the Pine street parking spaces (adjacent to the church entrance) to make it easier to get from street parking to the church entrance

The committee’s next meeting is scheduled for February 9th. One goal before this meeting is to come up with a drawing that meets the requirements of this potential modification to Option C. Another goal is to estimate costs for this new option, plus have better cost estimates for Option B.

As always, if any Immanuel church or school member has thoughts or suggestions they’d like to share with the committee, please email them to or reach out to one of the committee members.

Notes from January 4, 2023 School Expansion Committee meeting

The meeting opened with discussion on ideas that were brought forth to the committee members after the open forum.  Such options included talking about the empty McKinley building and using that as an additional school building. There were members of the committee who know the building well, and that it needs work.  The other drawback the committee felt was the disconnect of having two different sites.  Other ideas were brought forth on reducing the cost and were discussed by the committee.

There was discussion about an idea that has been brought up at the high school level, about having a middle school out at the MLHS campus.

One of the options the committee has come up with and is exploring is remodeling the current locker rooms and bathrooms along with the coat room downstairs in the current school building.  With this option, we can eliminate the need for new bathrooms in the lower level of the addition. As of this writing, all options we are considering include remodeling this area. During Christmas break this year, the current boys’ locker room developed an issue where we have water coming up through the floor. This is due to a bust in the water main.  This obviously needs to be addressed, and maybe this is the time to go forward with that, as insurance money may be available, and there will be busting up of concrete in order to fix the pipes underneath the building.

Discussion was had on our needs and if the options we are considering meet the goals and needs of the school.  The committee determined that all of our options meet our needs, but we need verification of some things from the architect before we can narrow our options down.

Questions to the architect will include: how much room do we need for a turnaround in the upper parking lot that would allow drop-off for church and an easy way back out to Pine street? Also, why would expanding to the north of the gym be so expensive?

Next meeting was scheduled for January 19th at 6pm.

January 6th, Answers to our questions 

The architect responded with answers to our questions, including answers to the above two questions.

  • A turnaround will require a 54’ wide area.  With his current proposal, there would be room for a turnaround if we did not add a passageway from the new addition to the church, but there would not be room if there was a passageway there.

  • Costs of adding to the north of the gym: The existing school would have to be sprinklered, including the gym. Also, the structure of the north wall of the gym would have to be increased to take the expansion.  This would be additional steel, footings and foundations.  We would also have to analyze the building and roof for removal of the north wall as it relates to the wind loads and roof diaphragm to see if that is adequate.

Update from Nov. 16th and 30th Meetings with the Architect

The committee met with Tom Schermerhorn from Excel Engineering on November 16th and November 30th.

At the Nov. 16th meeting, Excel was not yet prepared to answer whether the project would meet parking requirements and other city ordinances.  During the second meeting on Nov. 30th, Excel told us that we *do* have enough parking, and that they talked to the city and the city did not see any red flags with our preliminary plans (this includes having the parsonage garage open out to 9th street). Of course, we will not get final determination from the city until we submit final plans.

The School Expansion Committee will present preliminary school expansion plans, as they currently look, to the congregation at the Open Forum on Dec. 11th, and invite all church and school members to give their input on these plans at that time.

To summarize the meetings:

Excel presented two preliminary layouts at the Nov. 16th meeting.

Both layouts include:

  • 4 new rooms (classrooms and wrap-around-care room), built off the east side of school

  • Bathrooms on both the upper and lower floors of the new addition

  • A 5’ x 5’ elevator in the new addition

  • A passageway from the new school addition’s lower level to the church basement

At the Nov. 16th meeting, the committee had the following thoughts:

  • We will need more storage than what the preliminary layouts showed.

  • Discussed various configurations and destinations for any passageway that would go into the church building.

  • Determined the proposed commons will be roughly the same size as the church’s Fellowship Hall.

  • Having a covered drop-off for church was not addressed yet.

  • With the proposed layout, the existing 2nd grade classroom would lose its windows, so this room would probably be used as a storage area (which is also needed) or an “aide” room.

We discussed adding on to the north side of gym instead:

  • If we put classrooms north of the gym, that will break up the school too much and Mr. Wilson wants there to be more continuity/interaction between pre-school, kindergarten, and grade school.

  • We could instead opt to extend the gym farther to the north and use some of the existing south part of the gym to build classrooms; however, Excel determined this option would be too expensive.

We discussed the parsonage garage. It seems likely that with the current preliminary plans the only option is to reverse the garage entrance and have the driveway go out to 9th street, meaning the parsonage’s driveway would go through its existing backyard.

Between our Nov. 16th & Nov. 30th meetings with Excel, Tom Schermerhorn did due diligence with the city of Manitowoc to determine what ordinances we would need to be aware of as we contemplate a school expansion. He also modified the preliminary plans based on our comments.

During Excel’s second visit with our committee on Nov. 30th:

  • Tom Schermerhorn came with new drawings that addressed many of our concerns from the first meeting.

  • Excel determined there should be room for 7 parking spaces in the parking area between school and church, above the hill.  This is similar to what we have now.

  • Excel determined that the ceilings of the new commons in the addition would be 8 feet high, which is the same as the church’s fellowship hall.

  • There was discussion as to whether there were enough stalls in the boys and girls bathrooms in the new addition, especially the lower level restrooms close to the gym, which would be used during sporting events, etc.

When asked about cost, Tom from Excel gave some ballpark numbers: $3,250,000 for the whole project, which includes about 400K for the new passageway and 250K for the revised covered dropoff near the main church entrance.

The School Expansion Committee decided to meet one more time before the Open Forum and Voters Meeting on Dec. 11th, without the architect, to go over various layout options and prepare a presentation for the Open Forum, so we can solicit input from the congregation before having the architect spend any more time on changes to the drawings. The committee will therefore meet on Thursday, Dec. 8th.

Update from Oct. 30th Voters Meeting and Nov. 1st Meeting with Architect

On Sunday October 30th, the voters of Immanuel approved the School Expansion committee’s recommendation to work with Excel Enginering of Fond du Lac to find out what the practical solutions may be to add space to our growing school. Also at this meeting, it was announced that Immanuel’s Endowment Fund Committee has approved a $4,000 grant from the Endowment fund toward the potential $10,000 total fee from Excel for this preliminary work. Excel is working on a time-and-materials basis.

On November 1st, the School Expansion Committee held its first meeting with Tom Schermerhorn from Excel. In this meeting he was able to meet most of the committee. One way to cut some costs on our end was to have blueprints available from the original building and previous additions. The committee provided Tom with all the blueprints that he needed. Excel will scan these blueprints for us and supply us with an electronic version of all prints.  

Discussion was started by Tom going over again what it is that Immanuel is looking for in the addition. The committee brought up all the things that were talked about previously. The addition of 3-4 classrooms, storage, commons. The connection between the church and school and making it easy to get from the lower parking lot to the church was focused on. If the drive through is eliminated, having a way to drop off under a covered area was focused on as well. Tom from Excel brought up if there were any other improvements to current buildings that may need to be addressed in this project. The committee shared with Tom that over the past few years many areas have been updated. There are two possible areas that could be included, and that would be school windows on the east side, and the foundation of the church boiler room leaks some, so that may be a time to have it looked at.  

Tom from Excel talked about identifying the talents within our congregation that can help lower some costs. The committee would need to relay this when and if this goes to bid so companies know exactly what it is that they need to bid.  

Our next meeting with Excel is Wednesday, November 16th, at 6:30pm. As always, if you have any questions or input, please email

Special Voters Meeting this Sunday, Oct. 30th

SPECIAL VOTERS MEETING – All Immanuel voters, please plan to attend the special voters meeting this Sunday, Oct. 30th at 11:45 am, to vote on next steps for an Immanuel school building expansion. An update on the School Expansion Committee’s recent meetings will be given at this meeting, and voters will be asked to discuss, ask questions, and vote on the hiring of an architect to help us determine our options for potential school building expansion.

10/18/22 School Expansion Committee Update

Discussion started with Mike Schwarz, Nate Reis, and Gary Zander discussing their walk through with Tom Schermerhorn, principal from Excel Engineering of Fond du Lac. This was a no-cost meeting, in which the committee was able to show him our site. We had a ½ hour meeting with him after a tour of our campus. Tom is a WELS member and is on many boards and committees at the synodical level. It was evident in our meeting with Tom that we would need his services moving forward, as there a so many codes and regulations that must be followed when adding to an existing building.  

Next the committee talked about each of the emails that the school expansion committee received from members of the congregation. We discussed each point in every email and noted many good points from the input that was given. Much of the input will also be noted when the designing with the architect. Much discussion was had on the hill (driveway) between church and school. It was noted and agreed upon that the hill is a serious safety liability. In turn, if that is blocked off with a building, can it be cost effective to connect the school entrance in the new addition to the basement in church, providing same-level entrance in the school parking lot, and then having access to the church elevator if needed? Again, this depends on many factors and that is where an architect will help guide discussions, based on cost effectiveness. 

The committee also talked at length again about the future enrollment of our school. In the last 10 years enrollment is up 65%. The forecast for the next years looks to be continued growth. With school growth, comes growth in the congregation. Discussion was had about a site plan for the future based on the growth of our congregation as well. That would be separate from our committee, but the conversation was brought up. 

The committee ended the meeting in agreement that the only way we can move forward is to recommend to the Church Council that we work with Excel Engineering.

Immanuel Lutheran School Expansion Committee Update as of 9/29/2022

The School Expansion Committee had its initial meeting and came up with the following goals and ideas:

Current Goals of a school expansion project:

  • Add 3 classrooms.

    • Why? Due to projected future enrollment, we need to plan for the possibility of having single-grade classrooms for all grades K-8. This would mean adding two classrooms. We also want to add and upgrade spaces for wrap-around care and classrooms that are currently in basement spaces, so that we can provide more space for the library and bring the robotics program back into the school.

  • Add a commons area.

    • Why? Right now, during sporting events, we are serving concessions out of the school coat room. Attendees eat concessions in the school hallways. A commons would also serve as a meeting area for many other events. Also, the current concessions area does not have any running water.

  • Add a small serving area off of the commons area.

    • Why? To aid in serving food for concessions or for any other events held in the commons.

    • The serving area would include a sink and space for refrigeration. We feel there is no need for a full kitchen – we can use the church kitchen if necessary.

  • Make a more welcoming entrance area for students off of the parking lot.

  • Add storage (for tables, chairs, sports equipment, janitorial supplies, etc.).

  • Add bathrooms (to support the additional classrooms).

Building Date

  • The initial thought is to target completing construction before school starts in August 2024.

Next steps:

  • Ask for input from the congregation

  • Specifically ask for input from:

    o   The faculty

    o   The staff

    o   Pastors

    o   Immanuel Athletic Association (IAA)

    o   Wrap-around Care

    o   Preschool

  • Invite an architect for initial discussions (this will not cost any money at this point).

  • Next meeting date: Tuesday, 10/18/2022

If you have any suggestions for goals or plans for the School Expansion Committee, please send an email to or contact one of the committee members.

School Expansion Committee members
Mike Schwarz
Nate Reis
Andrea Dolan
Cody Freemyer
Angela Hall
Brandon Ott
Dennis Rodewald
Gary Zander