Tuesday, September 29   

†    Devotion – Read the devotion for Tuesday, Sept 29, from the WELS website to begin your day. Jot down an idea or thought from the devotion.

†    Catechism - Use this Google Cat6Class sheet to get ready for our discussion in Zoom. Assignment: WS 6 1-12. Keep this WS until Thursday.

†    Christ Light - none

    Math - Grade 6: Pull out your review test. Study it a bit. Then pull out your real test 2B, do it, and check it. Submit the test by taking a picture of it and sending it through Seesaw.

Grade 5: Read through Lesson 16 in your book. We’ll talk about the Lesson 16 during the Zoom meeting. Assignment: L16 6-22,29. Submit Lesson 16 by taking a picture of it and sending it through Seesaw.

   Social Studies - Read pgs 2-5 We’ll discuss this during our Zoom meeting. Assignment: WS4. Done by tomorrow. Please submit this by taking a picture of it and sending it through Seesaw.

†    Afternoon Devotion – Read this Devotion.

†    Literature- Read "Satchel Paige"

†    English - Classroom Practice 12, exercises 1 and 8 (Make sure you have your book, C.P. 12, and a pencil for the Zoom meeting.)

†    Physical Education - Inside: do some stretches and sit ups/crunches and some push ups just like at the beginning of PE! Get outside and walk/run around your yard. Get out there for at least 15 minutes.

†    Spelling - Pp. 42,43 (Read through the directions and patterns on the bottom of p. 42.) This is from Monday.