Wednesday, May 20
Devotion – Read the devotion for Wednesday, May 20, from the WELS website to begin your day. Jot down an idea or thought from the devotion.
Catechism - none
Christ Light - go to booklet p43. Read the passages of the Bible for God’s Word 2 and 3. We will do #5-6 AND God’s Word Today 3 plus the Review. Be ready with this by TODAY. We will discuss some of this in our Zoom meeting. If you want to submit it and not come to school, use this form: 3MenFurnacePart2
Hymn - none
Math - Grade 5: Read Lesson 116 in your book. Watch this L116 “video”. Assignment: L116 8-25. Done by TODAY. If you want to submit it and not come to school, use this form: Math
Grade 6: Watch this pretest 22A Answers “video”.Assignment: Test 22B. Done by TODAY. If you want to submit it and not come to school, use this form: Math
Finding Math Feedback: to get to the Google Math forms that have been corrected, watch this video MathFeedback
Science - none
Social Studies - Read pgs 649-651 in your book. Watch this Social Studies p649-651 “video.” Assignment: do Google sheet Social Studies p649-651. Done by TODAY.
Afternoon Devotion – Read this Devotion ;done by WELS Pastors in our area.
Reading - Complete the assignment attached to the email
English - Ch. 15 Checkup 70
Physical Education - Get outside and walk/run around your yard. Get out there for at least 15 minutes. Back inside: do some stretches and sit ups/crunches and some push ups just like at the beginning of PE!
Spelling - Done for the year!