Wednesday, April 8
Devotion – Read the devotion for Tuesday, April 7, from the WELS website to begin your day. Jot down an idea or thought from the devotion.
Catechism - none
Christ Light - none
Hymn - find the Google sheet for Hymn #133 and answer a few questions.
Math - Grade 5: Watch the video for Math 5 and correct your pretest. You could also check your pretest 18A sheet with the Google form Math5 18A Answers. Then take the test which I believe you have. If you want to submit it and not come to school, use this form: Math
Grade 6: Read Lesson 96 in your book. Watch this L96 “video”. Assignment: pretest 18A. Done by tomorrow. If you want to submit it and not come to school, use this form: Math
Science - Read pgs 286-289 Watch the “video” Sci5-6 p286-289 Assignment: Go to the Pearson site and sign in. Go to the brown section “Classes.” Click on Classes and you’ll see the 5-6 Section. Click on that section and you’ll see two things to do=Hot on the Inside and also the Lesson 1 Quiz. You’ll submit these right on that Pearson site.
Social Studies - none at this time
Afternoon Devotion – Read this Devotion done by WELS Pastors in our area.
Reading - Read the “View from Saturday”
English - Classroom Practice 54, ex. 1&2
Physical Education - Get outside and walk/run around your yard. Get out there for at least 15 minutes. Back inside: do some stretches and sit ups/crunches and some push ups just like at the beginning of PE!
Spelling - Go to Spelling City(see the handout that came home with your packet of information) and sign in. Take the Practice Test