All parents of children 3 years old through 8th grade who are looking for a quality, caring, Christian education are invited to attend. We invite you to meet our teachers and tour our school!
As a student of Immanuel, your child will benefit from:
~Low Pupil-to-Teacher Ratio ~Wrap Around School Care ~Full and Half Day Kindergarten ~Trusting Hearts Preschool ~Individual Family Visits each Year ~Accelerated Math ~On site Band/Piano Lessons ~Musical/Drama Productions ~Fun and Educational Field Trips ~LEGO Robotics Team ~Full Athletic Program for Boys and Girls K-8 ~Forensics and Math Competitions ~Academic Fairs
We Offer
3 & 4 Year Old Preschool: 3 & 5 Day Options
Kindergarten - 8th Grade
Before & After School Care
For more information call 920-684-3404, visit our website at or find us on Facebook