Mornings With Mommy - Jesus' BDay Party!
Join us each first Thursday of the month for a Mom and Child playdate! In December, it’s our Jesus’ Bday Party!
Sunday School Begins!
Parents of preschoolers through 6th graders, have your kids join us for a great kick-off day of Sunday school at Immanuel on September 8th, and for every Sunday after, too! We’ll meet in the church each Sunday at 9:15am for a charge-up of great Christian sing-a-long music, and then enjoy Bible lesson, activity, and craft time every week. See more information about our NEW Sunday school program this year on our Sunday school webpage, where you can also register your children.
Easter 4 Kids - Walk with Jesus
Your 3-year-olds through 4th graders are invited to this free event at Immanuel on April 13th. Please invite others, too!
Game Night
Mark your calendar for Friday, September 15 starting at 6:00pm for game night at Immanuel. Bring family, friends, a favorite game (or two), and a favorite snack or appetizer to share. We’ll meet in the Fellowship Hall for an evening of fun and games. Come any time after 6pm when it’s convenient for you and join in.