Parent Teacher Consultations
A sign-up sheet for parent teacher consulta ons is being sent home today. We ask that you please mark all possible times that you would be able to meet. The sheets are to be returned by Wednesday, September 27th. Final schedules will be sent home with next week’s News and Notes.
School Pictures
Just a reminder that school pictures are this coming Wednesday, September 27th. Please return the order form by Wednesday with your payment. Thank You!
PIE's Box Tops Competition!
Start collec ng your box tops. Bring at many Box Tops into your classroom between Monday, October 2 - Friday, October 13. The winning group gets to silly string Mr. Wilson! The groups will be Preschool, K-2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8. Happy Clipping!
PK's Beans & Cream Recap
Thanks to all who came out for ice cream, we raised $20! Hope you had fun.
Fall Showcase & Concert
This annual event is one that you will not want to miss. Come to MLHS Sunday, October 22nd at 2pm and partake in some pie, torte, ice cream and silent auction. Then at 4pm sit back and enjoy the Fall Concert featuring the Lancer Singers, MLHS Concert Choir, Cantate Choir, Freshman Choir, Symphonic Band, and Jazz Band.
Hornet Athletics
Congratulations to the Soccer teams for a RED HOT season. Thanks to Brandon and Carrie Ott, Jason Sweney, Trent Nelson and Karen Oswald for being fantastic coaches.
Please turn in washed uniforms to Mrs. Kehl.
X-Country practice October 2nd and 9th. Meet is on the 16th at MLHS. 4th - 8th Graders welcome to run.
Monday - X-Country practice. 3:15-4:30
Tuesday - B Team Volleyball @ Two Rivers 4:00, 5:00, 6:00
Thursday - Volleyball Practice
Friday - A Team Volleyball @ Immanuel. 4:30, 6:30
Saturday - A Team Volleyball Tournament @ Shepherd of the Valley. TBA
Trusting Hearts learning this past week:
Theme: Owls
Songs: “ God Made Me” “Jesus in the Morning”
Our Bible Lesson: God Creates Man and Woman
Favorite Books: Owl Babies by Martin Waddell, Wow! Said the Owl by Tim Hopgood
This week we learned about how God made the most special part of his creation – people! We thanked God for how wonderfully we are made too. We also started our owl theme. We enjoyed many silly owl stories, learned the names of different owls and made a paper bag owl!
We enjoyed another week of blessings from God. Here are a few of the things we learned about this week in Kindergarten.
Bible Stories: God Keeps Lot Safe, God Keeps His Promise to Abraham
Whole Group Reading: Miss BIndergarten Gets Ready for Kindergarten
Identifying Letters Math: Using pattern blocks to cover a design, Zero the Hero comes to visit on the 20th day of learning!
Science: Exploring with our five senses Music: God Hears Me Moving to a steady beat
May God bless your week!
Grade 1
This week we studied the Bible lessons of “God Promises Abraham a Son” and “God Answers Abraham’s Prayer”. We learned that God keeps his promises and answers prayer. The first graders have also been working hard on their reading and writing skills. This past week we focused on words with inflected endings of –s and –ing. We read the story A Fox and a Kit. The students have also been working on classifying and writing sentences with the word structure of a subject noun and verb. We have been learning so much in first grade!
Grade 2
Thank you for all the prompt paperwork this week. The chaperones for our October 10th field trip will be Mrs. Panske and me. Mid-quarter reports went home today in your child's weekend pouch. Please sign and return those on Monday. Parent-Teacher Consultations will be scheduled next week.
Here is what we plan to learn next week:
Bible History: God Tests Abraham’s Faith, Abraham’s Servant Finds a Wife for Isaac Reading Story: The Strongest One
Phonics: Digraphs ch, tch, sh, th, wh
Math: Adding 10 to a Single-Digit Number, Addition Facts: Adding 9; Creating a Color Pattern
Spelling Words: bunch, that, wish, patch, when, what, math, them, shape, whale, itch, chase, whiskers, switch, shrimp
Grade 3 & 4
We had another great week of learning. Accelerated Reader progress reports came home yesterday and midterm reports came home today. If you have any questions or concerns about either of these reports, please contact us. We will be meeting for parent-teacher conferences in two weeks, but you don't have to wait until then to talk to us. Accelerated Reader points (3 points for 3rd grade and 4 points for 4th grade) are due next Friday, September 29th. Many of our students will be participating in the soccer tournament in New Holstein tomorrow. We pray everyone uses their God-given abilities and enjoys the summer-like day. (Please make sure your child is drinking plenty of water during and between games.) We have the opportunity to praise God by singing in the 10:30 service on Sunday. We'll meet in the music room in the lower Level of church at 10:10. Enjoy the first weekend of fall!
Coming up:
Saturday: Soccer tournament in New Holstein
Sunday: We sing in the 10:30 service (here at 10:10)
Tuesday: Read Reading story to an adult
Thursday: Unit 5 Spelling test
Friday: Accelerated Reader points due
Memory Treasures:
Tuesday: Matthew 22:37
Wednesday: The First Commandment Thursday: Psalm 37:5
Friday: Hebrews 11:1
Grade 5 & 6
Monday: Memory Work Due, Grade 5 Math Test, Literature Test
Tuesday: Memory Work Due: 1/2 First Article, Grade 6 Math Test
Wednesday: Hymn due: 401 v1,2,5
We have been taking some timed tests/quizzes in math on multiplication and division. Parents, please spend some time with your student doing flash cards to improve their speed on multiplication and division problems.
Grade 7 & 8
Monday: Spelling pretest Chapter 6
Wednesday: Spelling Test Chapter 6
Thursday: Science Test Chapter 3
NEXT WEEK Sunday, October 1, our class is scheduled to sing in the 8:00 AM service. Since this singing date is just our classroom, we need everyone to be there. Please let me know if you know your child won’t be able to make it.
Attached to this note are the mid-quarter reports for the first quarter. Please feel free to keep the report, but please sign the envelope and return it to school on Monday with the plastic folder. If you have any questions about your child’s progress so far this year, please feel free to contact me.
Thank you to everyone who placed an order through the Scholastic Book Club. Every order you place helps us to earn free items and books for our classroom. The order has been submitted and should be arriving sometime next week.
Have a great weekend! God’s blessings to our volleyball and soccer teams! Go Hornets!